Review: A Good and Perfect Gift

Title: A Good and Perfect Gift

Author: Amy Julia Becker

Pages: 240

ISBN: 978-0-7642-0917-8

Book Description:

Sometimes Joy Shows Up When You Least Expect It

Things don’t always go as planned–especially when it comes to our children. When her first baby, Penny, is given a frightening diagnosis, Amy Julia’s world comes crashing down. Could she continue to trust God’s goodness through what felt like personal tragedy? But challenging surprises often lead to unforeseen joy, and disappointments can turn into blessings. This wise and beautiful book is more than a courageous story of raising a child against the odds–it is a journey through the unexpected ups and downs of life and the discoveries that come along the way.

My Thoughts:

A wonderful read for parents with special needs children.

Amy (the author) tells of her journey from the birth of her little girl, Penny, to when she is around five or six. Her story is a little different than most parents’. You see Penny has Down Syndrome.

I enjoyed this book, even though I am not married and I don’t have any little ones. But nobody knows what lies ahead of them on this journey of life, right?

A book for anybody to read that needs encouragement or wants to encourage others in their journey.


Note: I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in return for an honest review. These are my words 100%.

If you would like to purchase this book click here.

Posted on June 11, 2012, in Christian Life, CLBG, Memoir and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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